White supremacist blows off own leg making bombs. And they say there are no happy endings anymore.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

An upstate New York man who blew his leg off in his garage making improvised explosive devices will be held in federal custody without bail because law enforcement found white supremacist paraphernalia and believe he’s dangerous, WGRZ reports. 

Michael O’Neill, 45, a former Niagara County corrections officer, is accused of making seven bombs and was arrested two weeks ago after one of the devices accidentally went off. O’Neill was rushed to a hospital where his leg had to be amputated. He was the only one injured, WGRZ reports. 

“Luckily, he is detained,” Assistant U.S. Attorney John Alsup told Time Warner Cable News. “He is no longer at large in the community with or without some of the physical disabilities he’s going to have going forward, but luckily for the community, he only hurt himself.” 

Pictures of the KKK, Nazi imagery and the Confederate flag were found inside his home, which he lives in with his stepfather, William Ross, who chairs the Niagara County Legislature, WGRZ reports.

Even with his leg blown off New York prosecutors are saying the man is too dangerous to be allowed back on the streets.

Here is what he was brewing before karma kicked his ass:

The explosives he created contained nails and BB pellets, according to reports. One was labeled “powder with nails.”

However his lawyer suggests that this is all a big misunderstanding and that his client was only making the explosives in order to remove some tree stumps.

Because we all know how effective BB pellets and nails are for accomplishing that. Am I right? 

Of course we have to remember that this guy is not one of the really bad Islamic terrorists that the conservatives are always telling us to fear. He is simply one of our homegrown cuddly ones that  nobody really needs to worry about.

After all you cannot justify the purchase of more submarines, tanks, and fighter jets, just to kill some dipshit living in New York now can you?

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