New Sarah Palin rumor swirling, which might indicate that I am psychic. Update: Not a rumor.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Here’s a juicy one for the rumor mill: Mediaite has heard from multiple sources familiar with One America News Network (OANN) that staffers there are convinced Sarah Palin has been in talks to make her return to cable news via the conservative channel. 

Our sources within OANN say that network is buzzing with Palin chatter, but no one we talked to who would actually have knowledge of any negotiations was able to officially confirm the rumors (or even say whether she’d join the network in a full- or part-time capacity.) 

The network has not yet responded to an official request for comment but a Palin move to OANN would certainly make sense.

Yeah not only would it make sense that Palin would hook up with some conservative network that nobody has ever heard of, but I actually predicted that might happen when I first stumbled across that picture at the top.

Remember what I said then: 

Gee could Palin be looking to get a job with this conservative One America News Network? 

Could be, after all she certainly doesn't have much of anything else going for her right now.

That's right I am just like Nostradamus only with a much less interesting name.

And you know what? That might also help to explain this:

 Yep gotta fill in the crevasses, spray tan over the liver spots, and a beat that old wig into submission if Palin is planning to return to cable news. Albeit a station with a tiny market share.

You know somebody asked me if I was still working on a story about Palin, and the answer to that is you bet your ass!

Several in fact.

However let me say that even if everything comes together and I post the story, and it gets picked up by the national media, it will never mean that Palin goes away forever.

As long as there are these tiny, nondescript conservative media outlets in the world, Palin will have a place to go.

Sure it may pay only chicken feed, and have an audience so small they can all watch it while in the same room, but creatures like Palin only need the tiniest amount of attention to survive.

Even if that attention comes down to people pointing at her on the streets and saying, "Isn't that the lady who faked a pregnancy in order to win a seat on the Republican ticket, and then almost destroyed the GOP before they kicked her to the curb?"

Update: Okay so after I typed all of this up and scheduled it for 4:30 PM Alaska time I find this link in the comments section:  

One America News Network, "OAN", a trusted source for 24/7 national and international news, announced today that Governor Sarah Palin will be guest hosting One America News Network's political talk show "On Point" the week of August 24th. "On Point with Guest Host Sarah Palin" will air nightly in prime time at 10 PM ET, beginning Monday, August 24th through Friday August 28th. 

"I didn't get into public service to do the safe and easy things. A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not why the ship is built!" said Palin. "I'm excited for this opportunity to give voice to so many Americans we hear from every day, and the concerns about our future, and how best to fix the problems. Sitting back behind the desk instead of in the hot seat is an enjoyable and welcomed temporary return to my roots. I'm thrilled to guest host "On Point," she concludes. Palin began her career in broadcasting. 

According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, "Palin's experience and insights will further the political conversation, especially meaningful as the 2016 Presidential race heats up. She's been influential in helping multiple candidates on the right, including some running for the GOP Presidential nomination. Regardless of one's political view, the discussions will be meaningful, while also being entertaining." 

Damn that is a huge step down from Fox News. Hell it's even a big step down from the Sportsman Channel!

So folks what do you think? Will Palin make it through all five days, or will she bail halfway through?

Well speaking of Fox News Palin somehow finagled an appearance on Greta Van Susteren tonight where she essentially gave Donald Trump big sloppy kisses, though she stopped short of actually endorsing him.  

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