This Donald Trump/Megyn Kelly thing is really getting out of hand.

So as previously reported Trump has essentially doubled down on being an asshole to Megyn Kelly.

But now there are even Trump supporters jumping into the fray:

I really hate that word by the way, and try hard to keep it off of this blog, but you see the point I'm making.

Trump supporters even flooded her Facebook page to attack her for simply asking questions "The Donald" during the debate. 

It's like his misogyny is infectious and every person who has wanted to publicly bad mouth women now feels empowered to do so in his defense. And remember according to the Drudge Report Trump won that debate Thursday night, so plenty of conservatives see nothing wrong with the things that he says.

There is even a petition being circulated around to get one time conservative darling Megyn Kelly barred from participating in any other GOP debates.

Now some, like Carly Fiorina for instance, have come to Megyn Kelly's defense, but others are going after her as if she murdered their family pet.  While still others are standing back and waiting to see who is still standing after the dust settles.

At least one Trump aide has even quit over the brouhaha. 

Personally I find the entire thing fascinating. After all here you have one creation of Fox News battling another creation of Fox News.

I mean should one root for Blonde-zilla or cheer on Mega-Combover? All we know for sure is that the other candidates who participated in that debate seem to be getting crushed under foot.

I have to admit that my sentiments side mostly with Megyn Kelly, even though she did say that Sarah Palin should sue me after my story about their marital troubles came out.

However Donald Trump is a disgusting POS, so simply put there is no way I could ever see myself siding with him, on anything.

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