GOP Presidential debate Open Thread. Update!

First off I want to bitch a little about the fact that I have to watch freaking Fox News in order to cover this debate.

I try very hard never to watch that shitty cable network unless you-know-who makes an appearance or I hear that one of the anchors in on the verge of a nervous breakdown. (I'm looking at you Glenn Beck.)

However, like it or not, Fox has the biggest political side show going right now, and no serious political pundit, blogger, or commentator would dare to miss it.

Personally I am hoping for some real fireworks tonight.

For instance maybe Donald Trump will demand to see Ben Carson's birth certificate, or Jeb Bush will call Trump an asshole again, or maybe Rand Pail will start quoting Alex Jones conspiracy theories right on the air.

Damn now THAT would be entertaining.

But we probably won't get that lucky. (We certainly didn't during the "Kid's Table" debate earlier today.)

Oh well, here I sit full of hope with my popcorn, my box of wine, and my fingers all limbered up.

And I can already smell the elephant shit so let's trot these clowns out and get this three ring started!

Update: Ideas for questions to be asked during the debate courtesy of Raw Story.

My favorite?

"Are you the father of Bristol Palin's baby?"

Hey, it's worth a shot.

Update 2: Okay well so far the take away from this debate is that Donald Trump does not like to debate.

The arrogant prick actually threatened Megyn Kelly for asking him about his attitude toward women, and then he went all off like a toddler on Chris Wallace for asking him about a bullshit claim he made about border security.

Update 3: The Washington Post has a running transcript here.

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