Did Sunny Johnston respond to Bristol's most recent Instagram post?

So this went up about seven hours ago on Sunny's Facebook page.

Hmm, now where have I heard some person from a rich family bragging about being self made?

Oh THAT'S right! It was in the post right below this one.

Now of course I have no proof that Sunny is directing this at Bristol, however there HAVE been a couple of other posts that seem to indicate that she is tired of Bristol's shit.

This one for instance.

And just possibly this one as well.

Oooh, now THAT will leave a mark!

I mean perhaps I'm completely off base here. After all I'm really just guessing.

Aren't I?

(Insert evil laugh here.)

However to be serious for a moment if ANYBODY has the right to call bullshit on Bristol Palin's mythological victimhood, it is the wife of Levi Johnston.


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