Sarah Palin's favorite talk radio goes after Ann Coulter concerning her tweets about Donald Trump's immigration policy and stance on abortion.

Courtesy of WND
Courtesy of Mediaite:

 Conservative author Ann Coulter tweeted Sunday that Donald Trump’s immigration policy is so awesome, she doesn’t care if he performs abortions in the White House. 

The tweet comes after Trump admitted in a Meet the Press interview that it’s possible he donated to Planned Parenthood in the past. Coulter has said that she believes abortion is murder.

Coulter continued to praise Trump on Twitter and even compared him to (Gasp!) Ronald Reagan.

However this did not sit well with Mark Levin who fired back with this:

Oh man this is my favorite part of the Trump candidacy. Watching it make the Right Wing nutjobs fight with each other like caged animals.

By the way guess who was the last loose cannon to get these two to fight?

You guessed it: 

Coulter, author of “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America,” had been critical of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, suggesting that she has been injecting herself into the Republican presidential nominating process. Levin questioned the news value of Coulter’s remarks. 

“This may get me in trouble, but I don’t really care,” Levin said. “I don’t know what decisions are made to post things on some of these actual wonderful conservative websites. Like, I really like The Daily Caller. I’m trying to remember all the site, not just to mention The Daily — but there’s Ann Coulter, gives a speech to a small Republican Party gathering. And what does she do? She trashes, if not directly but indirectly Sarah Palin.” 

And you wondered why Palin was such an ardent supporter of Trump.

Because he is like a much wealthier version of her only with a slightly smaller penis.

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