Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar want to give you advice about sexual assault. Wait, what?

Courtesy of Star Magazine: 

Two long months after news broke that Josh Duggar molested five girls, including four of his underage sisters, TLC has finally pulled the plug on 19 Kids and Counting. 

But, along with an hour-long documentary about child abuse that includes Jill and Jessa, Jim Bob and Michelle have a plan to get their family back on TV and TLC paychecks coming in. 

“The family can’t afford to not have the show—it is their main source of income, and with a family of that size, without it they’re in enormous trouble,” says a friend, adding the Arkansas couple are willing to beg for forgiveness to get the cash flowing again. 

“They know they have to at least pretend to be sorry about what happened, and now they want a spin-off where Jim Bob and Michelle would give advice to abuse victims—even though they’re in denial about their culpability in Josh’s crimes.”

In the hierarchy of  truly terrible ideas this would have to be fairly close to the top.

These are religious zealots NOT trained counselors!

And based on how they handled the abuse that he inflicted on his sisters, I would not let them teach my dog not to pee on the carpet much less teach a child not to hump a family member.

Fortunately, according to this same article in Star, it is very likely that ole Jim Bob will have to do something else in order to feed his herd of misfits as a return to TV would "take a miracle."

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