There is a new post on Bristol Palin's blog defending plastic surgery. Gee, I wonder why?

Courtesy of Brancy's blog: 

There are so many pressures on girls to be a certain size, look a certain way, and fit into a certain mold. When every magazine we pick up is full of airbrushed stick skinny models, it is hard for us “normal” girls to ever feel like we are going to measure up. 

But recently, several young celebrities have come forward and admitted to altering their appearances. Kylie Jenner, for example, just admitted she has had her lips done. And Iggy Azalea has admitted to a nose job and breast implants. 

I really appreciate their honesty and openness about their struggles with their body image. I think it humbles them, and gives them more credibility. It shows young girls that everyone has flaws that what you see online isn’t exactly the whole story.

Hmm, now why would a "good Christian girl" like Bristol, who of course has no interest in fame, care even a little bit about famous women getting plastic surgery?

And why in the hell would she think that admitting to such procedures would give them "more credibility," instead of making them seem insecure and desperate to be considered attractive?

Yep, that's a stumper alright.

Hmm I wonder if this means that we can expect some further physical modifications in Bristol's future?

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