GOP candidate Ben Carson accuses President Obama of antisemitism.

Here let me tell you about something else I don;t understand.
Courtesy of Bloomberg:

Ben Carson has a way with words. 

 In a Sunday interview with Fox News, the Republican presidential candidate doubled down on his assertion that a speech given by President Obama intended to sell the American public on his nuclear deal with Iran contained "coded innuendos employing standard anti-Semitic themes.” 

Carson's claim first appeared in an editorial that the retired neurosurgeon published Sunday in the Jerusalem Post, and Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace pressed the candidate to explain what, in particular, he believed to be anti-Semitic about the president's remarks. 

"I think anything is anti-semitic that is against the survival of a state that is surrounded by enemies and people who want to destroy them," Carson said. "To act like everything is normal there and that these people are paranoid, I think that's anti-Semitic." Carson added that on a recent trip to Israel, he "couldn't find a single person there who didn't feel that this administration had turned their backs on Israel."

Gee I wonder who Carson was talking to in Israel?

Israel's warmongering prime minister Netanyahu and his staff perhaps?

So to be clear the deal that keeps Iran from developing a nuclear weapon for at least the next ten years, and therefore decreases their ability to threaten Israel, who already has nuclear weapons, makes the President an anti-Semite?

Gee that makes all kinds of sense. 

You know just because President Obama does not genuflect at Netanyahu's feet like the Republicans in Congress, does not mean that he is anti-Semite. It simply means that he is well aware that Netanyahu uses the possibility of Iranians getting nuclear weapons to scare his people into keeping him in power and has decided to take actual steps to protect the people of Israel rather than buoy up their Prime Minister's political power base.

By the way would you be surprised to learn that this idiot is now right behind Donald Trump in the most recent Fox News poll? Well he is.

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