When lying about being caught having gay sex in an alley is preferable to the truth. Update!

 Courtesy of The Hill: 

Michigan state Rep. Todd Courser (R) planned to release a fake story claiming that he was caught having sex with a male prostitute in order to cover up his relationship with fellow state Rep. Cindy Gamrat (R), according to audio recordings released by The Detroit News Friday. 

Courser was apparently caught on tape discussing the plan in a series of recordings made by a House aide. 

“Courser secretly removed from Caucus several weeks ago due to male on male paid for sex behind a prominent Lansing nightclub,” an email announcing the fake story would have stated. “He is a bisexual, porn-addicted sexual deviant.” 

Courser said on one recording that the fake story was designed to make any subsequent reports look like “a complete smear campaign” against him. He also commented that the story needed to “make anything else that comes out after that — that isn’t a video — mundane, tame by comparison.” 

“I need to, if possible, inoculate the herd against gutter politics that are coming,” he said.

Okay this one is a little hard to wrap my head around.

So this conservative lawmaker was willing to release a story that he was a porn addicted, male prostitute visiting, closeted homosexual rather than have the true story of his affair with a female lawmaker come to light.

Gee that must make her feel terrific.

Yes I realize that the plan, a poorly thought out one in my opinion, was to reveal that this gay sex story was false in the hopes that it would give Courser the credibility to dismiss the true story as well.

But I still don't see how he thought something like that would work.

That is some crazy conservative thinking right there.

Update: As it turns out these two were also ardent defenders of "traditional marriage":  

“We are living in the last days,” Gamrat wrote on Facebook after the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. “Last Friday was a sad day for America. Last Friday was a crushing day for those who believe in traditional marriage and traditional morality. I need your help and your country needs your help now.” 

Gamrat said the ruling was a “trampling of the people” and that “the ramifications of this decision will be devastating, affecting churches, schools, businesses, pastors, government officials, and families.” 

After the ruling, Courser proposed a bill with Gamrat’s support requiring all marriage certificates in the state to be signed by a religious leader, essentially making it impossible for municipal or judicial officials to wed gays. “The contract that has been in place for thousands of years is between a man and his wife on one side and God on the other side,” Courser said. 

As if that weren’t enough, Courser was also working on the “Pastor Protection Act” that would ensure that religious leaders do not have to perform duties that don’t align with their beliefs, like gay marriage.

Yes let's protect traditional marriage from "teh gays" but not from two horny lawmakers desperate to break their vows by getting freaky at the local no tell motel.

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