Kentucky woman open fires at two children she was babysitting. I don't think she understands the concept of "babysitting."

Courtesy of LEX 18: 

Deputies say a Whitley County babysitter started shooting at the children she was watching. When officials arrived on scene, they say the loaded gun was still in her hand. 

Police say two 8-year-olds ran into the street in the middle of the night and ended up at the home of a neighbor. That's where they told the people inside their babysitter was shooting at them. 

According to an arrest citation, Lorie Cornett was watching the two children this past Sunday at her home on Skaggs Branch Road. Police say they were told at around 11:15 that night the two kids came running to another home on Skaggs Branch, asking the people to call police. 

Deputies say Cornett told the children she was going to kill them. 

When deputies arrived at Cornett's home, they say she opened the door holding a cocked and loaded pistol, leading authorities to believe that the children were telling the truth. 

"The deputies took the gun and it had two spent cartridges in it and three empty cartridges were laying on the table inside. The kids were not hit fortunately, but they went through a lot," Sheriff Colan Harrell told LEX 18.

The woman blamed the incident on her mixing of medications with alcohol, and claimed she did not even realize the children were with her.  (Really? Then why was she shooting at them?)

You know growing up my mom worked two jobs and and I had my share of really bad babysitters. But I have to say that even the abusive ones never actually tried to shoot me.

Gee I wonder how the NRA will spin this?

"The only thing that makes a bad kid go to bed on time, is a good babysitter with a gun."

Should look great on their next bumper sticker.

(H/T to Raw Story.)

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