Sarah Palin is attacking Hillary Clinton mercilessly in the hopes that somebody will pay some damn attention to her.

From Sarah "Look at me, look at me, look at me now"Palin's Facebook page:

Truth in advertising in Hillary's new campaign slogan! Help us get the message out by clicking here. (Hint: If you click there it takes you to SarahPAC where your money will be spent on nothing that has anything to do with Hillary Clinton.)

I find it especially humorous that while Hillary is quite literally being hit from all sides right now, that Palin believes she can convince people, through Facebook yet, that donating to HER defunct political action committee will be what gets "the message out."

I believe that if Hillary was ever asked, "Whatever happened to that Sarah Palin?" This would be her response.

Actually I think that is the response that most Americans would have if asked.

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