Huffington Post still refusing to take the Donald Trump candidacy seriously.

"I'm serious. Why don't people think I'm serious? What's not serious about me?"
So here is a recent update from HuffPo courtesy of TV Newser who reached out to them:

We’re more committed to the decision than ever. Over the last month, we’ve seen our central argument proven right: that Trump is nothing more than a sideshow and not a legitimate presidential contender with serious policy ideas for moving the country forward. The GOP debate was fantastic reality TV, but it came across more like a twisted political version of “American Idol” than a presidential debate. And subsequent coverage reveals a collective media frenzy that’s embarrassing to credible media outlets – witness this weekend’s pandemonium around Trump’s helicopter at the Iowa State Fair. Otherwise serious journalists are being seduced by Trump because of his willingness to say and do outrageous things for headlines and ratings. We’re still not taking the bait.

I totally agree with virtually this entire statemnt.

And those points are made even more obvious by the fact that Sarah Palin is so quick to agree with every position Trump takes, because let's face it a phony knows a phony when they see one.

However some journalists are taking offense at this characterization including Chris Cillizza over at the Washington Post:  

Look, whether Huffington Post likes it or not, Trump is the frontrunner at the moment in the race for the Republican nomination. Ignoring that fact would be embarrassing for "credible media outlets." Trying to understand what's behind Trump's rise, fact-checking his statements and analyzing polling on the race are exactly the sorts of things that media organizations should be doing.

Yeah but the problem is that the media is not REALLY fact checking Donald Trump so much as  giving him credibility by treating him as if he is anything but a sideshow freak who stumbled drunkenly into the Big Top and distracted the audience from the main attractions.

Sure it can be argued that the GOP lineup is essentially made up of circus clowns, but the fact is that one of those clowns will be the Republican nominee for President.

And Donald Trump ain't him.

So yes HuffPo is right, and if the other journalists were serious they would follow their example.

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