Donald Trump's immigration plan essentially takes a scorched earth approach.

Courtesy of The Washington Post: 

Trump’s plan, which is detailed on his website, calls for construction of a wall along the Mexican border, vowing to “make Mexico pay” for it; an end to birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants; the defunding of sanctuary cities; the strengthening of immigration enforcement; and more. In an interview on NBC News, Trump added that he would rescind President Obama’s executive actions shielding millions from deportation, and deport all illegal immigrants: “They have to go.”

Trump's plan also included tripling the number of ICE officers, and hunting down ALL illegal immigrants in America and keeping them imprisoned until they could be deported back to their home countries.

The cost of such a program is estimated in the hundreds of billions of dollars. (Because you know fuck fiscal conservatism when there are wetbacks that need deporting.)

Now of course the question is what do the other GOP contenders do in response to this? Especially if it helps Trump increase his lead?

Let's face even though some of the GOP candidates, like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, talk about working to secure the Hispanic vote, the real base of the Republican party is xenophobic to its core.

So if Trump says outlandish things like this, and it helps him in the polls, what choice will the other candidates have to but to jump on board the undocumented immigrant bashing bandwagon?

Man you can almost hear the ground rumbling beneath your feet as all of the Hispanics rush over to support the Democratic ticket can't you?

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