Hillary Clinton gives Jeb Bush the smackdown over his contention that the Obama administration lost the Iraq War by bringing American troops home.

Hillary and Bill Clinton in Iowa.
Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

"I find it somewhat curious that Jeb Bush is doubling down on - defending - his brother's actions in Iraq," she said at a press conference during a campaign stop at a state fair. "But if he's going to do that, he should present the entire picture. And the entire picture, as you know, includes the agreement George W. Bush made with the Maliki government in Iraq that set the end of 2011 as the date to withdraw American troops." 

Jeb Bush, a leading contender for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election, has said Obama, and by extension Clinton, bungled a chance to leave behind a contingency force of about 10,000 troops when American forces left Iraq in 2011. 

Clinton, though, said the Obama administration had worked "to persuade the Maliki government to permit continuing American support for the Iraqi army." 

"Maliki did not want a continuing American presence," she said.

You know I said back when Jebbie first made this argument that it would be incredibly simple for Hillary to knock the ball back into Bush's court, and she has done exactly that.

And when it comes to what America should do about ISIS moving forward I think Clinton once again reflects the country's desire to keep out troops out of harms' way.

"This has to be an Iraqi-led mission," she said. "I think we have to do more and I hope we will do more to try to get the whole region together to drive ISIS out of the territory that they occupy, to rescue the people they have enslaved, predominantly women."

I am once again stunned that Jeb Bush has advisers who are not able to see what a stupid idea it is to try and blame ANY of Iraq's current problems instead of where is really belongs. And that is to George W. Bush and his  neocon administration.

Here is a tweet I saw recently that explains this incredibly well.

And with that just drop the mic, because there is really no more that needs to be said.

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