Apparently the consensus is that Donald Trump won the debate last night. Really? That's what winning looks like in 2015?

Courtesy of CNN: 

It was the most dramatic opening to a presidential debate in recent memory—and Donald Trump stole the show before he'd even said a word. 

Perched comfortably at the top of the polls and lapping his closest rivals by double digits, Trump was expected to do well at the first GOP presidential debate of the 2016 season on Thursday night. The onus was on his competitors to seize the spotlight, but none of them managed to change the dynamics in a race that Trump has dominated for more than a month. 

Many contenders delivered strong performances and polished answers. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio showed his formidable political skills and compelling personal narrative. Ohio Gov. John Kasich gave crisp answers as he played to his home state audience. And Rand Paul and Chris Christie slammed each other during an impassioned debate over government surveillance.

In the end however all anybody can talk about is Donald Trump. And since debate participation seems to be determined by poll numbers that does nothing but help him.

For his part Trump feels that he was treated unfairly: 

Trump complained specifically about Fox anchor Megyn Kelly's question about derogatory statements Trump has made about women. "I thought it was an unfair question," Trump said. "They didn't ask those questions of everybody else … Those weren't even questions. They were statements." 

And more: "The questions to me were not nice," Trump continued. "I didn't think they were appropriate. And I thought Megyn behaved very badly, personally."

But ultimately that doesn't matter to him because he thinks she is being punished for daring to confront him so aggressively about his attacks on women.

You know as it turns out many people are suggesting that she is the one who actually won that debate last night.

Perhaps that's why Trump has spent much of today complaining about her.

I thought Trump's behavior last night was indefensible and his refusal to promise not to run as a third party candidate is something that should really concern the Republican party.

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