Time magazine cover featuring inventor of the Oculus Rift gets roundly mocked.

So this Time magazine cover is representing an article within its pages discussing virtual reality and more specifically the Oculus Rift.

Now if you have not heard of virtual reality or the Oculus Rift, you can thank me now, because I have been suppressing an almost overwhelming urge to talk about nothing else.

In fact I have talked so much about with family and friends, that most of them are hesitant to engage me in conversation anymore.

'The next best thing since the internet," I say.

"It's going to revolutionize everything we do," I predict.

"Going to meetings in person will someday seem as primitive as sending a telegram," I say as family members attempt to sidle out of the room without being seen.

So yes I am very interested in what is to come. And I will leave it at that, because most of you did not come here to listen to me rant about how boring today is and how awesome tomorrow will be.

Anyhow as you can see that cover is rather.....different. And because it is so, it received quite a lot of internet mocking.

However I stumbled across one photoshopped picture that seemed somewhat prescient to me.

Poopy time will never be the same.

I'm very excited.

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