Donald Trump continues to attack the decision to invade Iraq, and Jeb Bush for defending it.

So first there was this exchange at the Iowa State Fair between Jeb Bush and a well informed member of the audience as captured by NPR: 

BUSH: First of all, the Iraqis want our help. They want to know that we have skin in the game, that we're committed to this. We don't have to... 

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: They booted us out in 2011. 

BUSH: Excuse me? 

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: We had to get out in 2011. 

BUSH: We didn't have to get out in 2011. 

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: Your brother signed the deal. 

BUSH: It could've been modified and that was the expectation. Everybody in Iraq and everybody in Washington knew that this deal could've been expanded and now... 

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: Your brother signed a bad deal.

Okay all on its own that is pretty damning stuff right there, but later Donald Trump was asked about the exchange: 

“He said ‘skin in the game.’ I don’t know if you saw his recent statement…We’ve spent two trillion dollars, thousands of lives lost, wounded warriors who I love all over the place. And he said we have to prove we have skin in the game. I think it may be one of the dumbest statements I ever heard.” 

Trump concluded that thought by saying Jeb should apologize to the families affected by the war.

I dislike virtually everything about Donald Trump, but the fact that he keeps calling out Jebbie and his brother over the Iraq War as a candidate currently vying for the Republican nomination is awesome and I LOVE that shit.

In other Trump news he actually did give those Iowa kids rides on his helicopter, after being told by the Iowa State Fair organizers that he wouldn't be allowed to do that.

I guess when you have billions of dollars people don't get to tell you what you can and can't do.

Which includes calling bullshit on Jeb Bush's defense of his brother's presidency apparently.

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