Could former British Prime Minister Tony Blair face trial for his role in the Iraq War? Maybe.

Courtesy of The Washington Post:  

As fierce as Thursday's debate between GOP presidential candidates will likely be, it's hard to imagine any of them suggesting that a recent Republican president could face trial over an 'illegal' war. In Britain, however, it happened. 

When Jeremy Corbyn, the current front-runner in the Labor party leadership race, was asked whether Tony Blair, the former Labor prime minister who led the country into the Iraq war, should be tried for his role in the conflict, he said: "If he's committed a war crime? Yes." 

Pressed on whether he personally thought Blair had committed a war crime, Corbyn responded that the Iraq war was "illegal" – and that it was possible Blair could face trial for it.

Okay is it just me or does anybody else's nipples get erect at the very thought of Tony Blair, and dare I say it, George Bush, facing trial for their part in selling and then waging this illegal war?

It is just me isn't it? 

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