Insiders predict that Rick Perry will be the first Republican to drop out of the race.

But look how cute I am in my new glasses. Doesn't that count for anything?
Courtesy of Politico:

Forty percent of early-state Republicans and nearly half of early-state Democrats believe Rick Perry will be the first candidate to drop out of the presidential race. 

That’s according to this week’s POLITICO Caucus, our weekly bipartisan survey of the top strategists, activists and operatives in Iowa and New Hampshire.

“No money and cannot gain traction, even though he has the best record and a superb message,” lamented an Iowa Republican. “Best retail politician I have ever seen, yet not able to pick up interest against a strong field. Where was this guy last time around?” 

Less charitably, another Iowa Republican said, “When you’ve suspended all staff pay, the writing is on the wall. His team suggests he’ll have a memorable debate moment. Unfortunately for Rick Perry, that moment happened in 2011, oops.” 

Recently Perry stopped paying his staff due to problems with fundraising, which is never a good sign.

And once the ex-Governor of Texas drops out that might start a chain reaction which will see others with low poll numbers following suit.

Right now according to Real Clear Politics Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham,and Bobby Jindal are all polling at around one point apiece. (In Graham's case that number is occasionally zero.)

Well personally I will be a little disappointed to see Rick Perry go. I was really looking forward to his one upping the famous "oops moment."

Oh well there are still plenty of clowns crowding the car, so I seriously doubt that the entertainment will stop any time soon.

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