Ashley Madison hack reveals that pro-traditional marriage advocate Josh Duggar was looking for some non-traditional hanky panky on the side.

So the thirty days have passed and as promised the folks who hacked Ashley Madison's website have released the names of those who were ...
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So this is the ditsy blonde that Sarah Palin will be replacing for a week on that tiny conservative cable network.

I am not even exaggerating when I say that watching this poorly educated child demonstrate her ignorance about feminism hurt my heart. It l...
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New Sarah Palin rumor swirling, which might indicate that I am psychic. Update: Not a rumor.

Courtesy of Mediaite :   Here’s a juicy one for the rumor mill: Mediaite has heard from multiple sources familiar with One America News Net...
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George Zimmerman is teaming up with the Muslim-free gun store owner to sell paintings of the Confederate battle flag. Oh that's just wrong.

Courtesy of Mediaite :   George Zimmerman, the man who became a pariah after killing Trayvon Martin, is teaming up with the controversial ...
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John Oliver took on Televangelists in his show this weekend, and it is the greatest thing ever.

Here is what the Daily Beast had to say about this episode. Your Uncle Gryphen has long been fascinated with televangelists and used to wa...
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Bristol Palin, aka Nancy French, wants you to know she did not laugh once at that Funny or Die parody of the doctored Planned Parenthood videos.

So this is the Funny of Die video, which in my opinion is pretty damn good. So good in fact that it has several conservatives upset that it...
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A must read piece by the great Geoffrey Dunn on the whole Erick Erickson/Donald Trump/Sarah Palin/Bristol Palin/Nancy French kerfuffle.

Geoffrey Dunn and Gryphen. This from a piece entitled "Cleavage to Nowhere: Trump, Breitbart, RedState, Fox News and Sarah Palin's ...
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This video is for the next time that your obnoxious Southern relatives try to convince you that the Civil War was not fought over slavery. Spoiler alert: Yes it was!

This is Colonel Ty Seidule, Professor of History at the United States Military Academy at West Point, so you know he has some understanding...
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Ted Nugent posts video of black man striking another man, and claims it depicts slain teenager Michael Brown in attempt to smear his name and the Black Lives Matter movement.

So on Nugent's Facebook page you can find this video of a black man, purported to be Michale Brown, striking another man from behind an...
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John Oliver on sex education in America, and how abstinence only shames young women.

Okay I know I have shared these videos with you before, and they are all great, but seriously this one is amazing! In fact I would like to ...
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